News for 1/26/22
8-Man All-Star Game Thunder Ridge High School seniors Olin Brown, Daxton Dunlap, and Owen Hrabe, were selected to play in the 8 Man...
News for 1/19/22 ... Slow news week! :)
HCF Meeting Kensington HOME Charitable Foundation annual meeting is scheduled for 1/23 at 4:00 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church (North)...

News for 1/12/22
Lions Deliver Cheer Bags The Kensington Lions packed and delivered cheer bags before Christmas to some people in Kensington and a few in...
News for 1/5/2022
K-TOWN KATES November 8, 2021 The K-town Kates met Monday November 8, 2021 at the Kensington Senior Citizens. Twelve members answered...

News for 12/29/2021 happy New year!
Gifts from the Elementary The Thunder Ridge Elementary kids made picture holders for the residents of Sun Porch and Smith Center Health...