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News for 9/17/19

Big Changes in Town!

Monday, September 16, a City-Wide Clean-up Day was led by Denise Miller and the Thunder Ridge High School Adult Living and Life Management classes. Giving back to the community is an important part of being a responsible adult and TRHS is working to instill this in our youth. “We received $4,000 in grant funds to help us with this project. My students have really shown an incredible enthusiasm this year, and initiative I haven't seen in the past. I'm so VERY proud of their efforts and designs!” -Denise Miller. 

Parents and community members were invited to join and work alongside the students in a cooperative effort. With enlisting community volunteers to help comes the opportunity to teach students carpentry and other useful skills.  Projects this year included: creating a permanent mural- special recognition to Prairie Land Electric for donating supplies and labor to create the backdrop; revitalizing vacant buildings on Main Street; painting parking lines and crosswalks; highway 36 clean-up with Lions Club members; and adding school spirit to downtown. A new outside dining area will be added along with a special tribute to Veterans. These efforts are focused on not only giving back to the community but revitalizing our small town to look great for the 150th Anniversary of the Veterans Day celebration, to be held Saturday, November 9, 2019.

A HUGE Thank you to Patty Lowe, Curtis Lamont, and  Jeff Nech for great input. Also, Billy Davis for providing all materials at cost.  Prairie Land Electric donated the electric poles and labor for the permanent mural, while Curtis Lamont found a company to give a cost break on the powder coating the metal for the mural. All those who contributed supplies, labor, and donations are appreciated. Generous donors provided both morning and afternoon snacks and water, and the school delivered lunch to the park near the swimming pool for all students and volunteers. This was an amazing group effort, taking pride in our town and teaching great lessons for our youth. 

Also thanks to grant funds, the City of Kensington recently made an exciting addition to the roadside park on hwy 36, as you’re traveling east leaving town. The grant was received from the Smith County Community Foundation and Dane G. Hansen.  Two RV hookups were installed at the roadside park. They can be reserved by contacting the city office at 476-2668 for $15/night, but reservations are not necessary. They are perfect for out of town family attending special events like birthday parties and weddings (and they’ve already been used for that) or for hunters, travelers, etc.  We are grateful to the SCCF and the Dane G. Hansen Foundation for making it possible for more people to enjoy our park and our community.

Grandparents' Day Lunch

Friday, September 13, Thunder Ridge Elementary (grades K-3), celebrated Grandparents' Day by hosting a special day for Grandparents, parents, and grand-friends, to come visit the school, spend some time in the classrooms, eat lunch with the kids, and even stay for lunch recess. 

Visitors arrived at 10:30 and went to the kids' classrooms. Different grades held different activities. Some grades sang songs; some had poems; some had student- led discussions about what they'd been learning. At 11:00, the adults and students enjoyed a wonderful lunch of spaghetti, green beans, salad bar, bread and milk. 68 grandparents/grand-friends were able to celebrate with the kids!! The kids loved having lunch with someone special! It was a wonderful turnout and a great way to show our community what a fantastic kids and school we have! 

Be sure to scroll through the pictures that captured the event! Thanks Nicki Grauerholz!

TR Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER

Wed. 18- WACKY Day for 6th Grade @ Camp Hansen 9:00am; MS Mid-Terms sent home w/students; 9:30am FFA Area Land Judging @ Colby

Thur. 19- Vision/Hearing screenings @ MS; MS VB/FB @ Agra vs Lincoln 4:00/6:00pm

Fri. 20- 7:00pm HS FB @ Hill City

Mon. 23- Early Dismissal 2:30pm for Teacher In-Service; No MS practice or TR Academy

Wed. 25- Picture Retakes @ GS 8:00, followed at MS 10:00am

Thur. 26- MS VB/FB @ Tipton 4:00/6:00pm

Fri. 27- 7:00pm HS FB @ Almena (Northern Valley)

Sat. 28- 9:00am HS JV VB Tournament @ Hill City

Mon. 30- 6:00pm JV FB @ Lincoln

KCS Fundraiser

Join us Sunday, September 22, 2019 from 11:00am to 1:00pm for a Soup Dinner Fundraiser. The annual meeting will follow at 1:00pm. Soup, dessert, relishes, and manpower are needed and appreciated. There are sign-up sheets at the grocery store for donations and work schedule. Items need to be brought to the Kensington Legion by 9:00am on Sunday, September 22. Please plan to stay or come at 1:00pm for the annual meeting.

Legion to Host Garage Sales

The American Legion has agreed to house garage sales for anyone who wants to have on on September 21. This is Hwy 36 Treasure Hunt weekend so traffic should be great for the sales. The cost is $10 a person having a garage sale. Contact Kim Terrell or Robin Billings if you would like to have one that Saturday.

Mat Makers Will Meet 

The mat makers will meet again September 28, from 9-noon, at the north Lutheran Church in Kensington. Everyone is welcome to see how this process works. Any high school student who needs service hours for resumes, scholarships, or organizations, might come check it out as well. It's a really fun project to get involved with!


Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit

Weekly Inspiration

You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. - Carl Gustav Jung

We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. - Max de Pree

Surround yourself with those who see greatness in you, even when you don't see it in yourself. - Unknown


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