News for 1/12/22
Lions Deliver Cheer Bags
The Kensington Lions packed and delivered cheer bags before Christmas to some people in Kensington and a few in the surrounding communities. The bags included FFA fruit and homemade cookies. This is a project the club does each year to spread cheer to those who have a hard time getting out.

L-R: Bob Bearley, Mike Isom, Joan Nech, Greg Billings, Gary Hainke, Galen Larson, Don Wiens, Jeff Nech, Bob Sinclair, and Robin Billings.

Lions Jeff Nech, Greg Billings , and Gary Hainke pack the homemade cookies to deliver.
The Food Pantry will be open January 15, 2022 (not the 21st), the 3rd Saturday of each month from 1:00-3:00pm at the Kensington Senior-Community Building.
HCF Meeting
Kensington HOME Charitable Foundation annual meeting is scheduled for 1/23 at 4:00 p.m. at St. John Lutheran Church (North) parish hall. The meeting is open to the public; we will be sharing all of the great things that we have accomplished in 2021 and plans for further expansion of projects we can fund in 2022. Please plan to attend!
TRHS Winter Formal
Saturday, January 8, 2022, TRHS students enjoyed a fun evening of music, dancing, and snacks. The KAYS host Winter Formal for the student body each year. This year’s theme was “A Forever Frozen Night”.

Senior Class:

Junior Class:

Sophomore Class:

Freshman Class:
TRES Playground Gets a Facelift
Over Christmas break, TR Elementary custodian, Vicki Rader, spruced up the elementary playground. With funds from the school as well as the TR Steering Committee, swings, balls, and paint supplies were purchased to update the worn out equipment in the playground.
The swing set frame, basketball backboards and rims, and poles were repainted. Then new nets were put up and old swings were replaced. One new pad to cushion the basketball pole was purchased and the others were repaired. Two four-square games were painted on the cement, and two tetherball poles were also installed.
Snow slowed the use of some of the improvements after Christmas break, but the kids were thrilled to see the bright changes to their playground and were excited to use them after the snow melted. A special thanks to the school, Steering Committee, Curtis Lamont, and Vicki for helping the project get started and finished so quickly!
Thunder Ridge Ballgames & Important Dates
Thur. 13- MS BB @ Rock Hills 4:00pm, lv @ 2:30
Fri. 14- HS NPL BB Tournament @ Lincoln
Sat. 15- 10am HS Scholars Bowl @ St. John
Mon. 17/ Tues. 18/ Fri. 21: HS NPL BB Tournament @ Lincoln
Mon. 17- No School – Teacher In-Service
Wed. 19- MS In-School Spelling Bee 9:30am
Thur. 20- MS BB @ Pike Valley (Courtland) 4:00pm, lv @ 2:00
Mon. 24- MS PTL BB Tourney @ Osborne
Tue. 25- HS BB @ Home vs Pike Valley
Thur. 27- MS PTL BB Tourney @ Osborne
Fri. 28- HS BB @ Glasco (S. Cloud)
Sat. 29- MS PTL BB Tourney @ Osborne
Brent Norris of Glade, KS passed away on Sunday, December 26, 2021 at Newton Medical Center, Newton, KS, at the age of 63. Sympathies to the family of Brent Norris.
Barbara Kay Struchoff of Athol, KS passed away on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, at Smith Center Health and Rehabilitation of Smith Center at the age of 78. Sympathies to the family of Barbara Struckhoff.
Fitzgerald “Gerald” Haskett of Agra, KS passed away on Thursday, January 6, 2022, at the age of 79. Sympathies to the family of Gerald Haskett.
Weekly Inspiration
Remember, make choices from a place of peace and joy, not fear. Don’t settle or give just to please when it doesn’t feel right inside. Listen to your intuition.
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at