News for 1/31/24
TR Schools Schedule of Events
Thur. 1- KAY Unit Conference @ Scandia; Regional Scholars Bowl @ Beloit St. John’s; PTL BB Tourney @ Osborne
Fri. 2- 4:30 pm HS BB @ Sylvan Grove
Sat. 3- 9:00am FFA Meats Contest @ Grinnell; PTL BB Tourney @ Osborne
Mon. 5- 11:00am NPL Band @ Mankato; 6:00pm NPL Clinic concert held in the Rock Hills HS gym (FREE to public)
Tue. 6- 9:00am MS County Spelling Bee @ Logan; HS BB Home vs Logan/Palco
Thur. 8- make up games 5:00pm HS BB Home vs Sylvan-Lucas -V Only/NO JV
Fri. 9- HS BB Home vs Tescott
Mon. 12- HS BB @ Hill City
Tue. 13- HS BB Home vs Lincoln
Legion Friday Night
This week at the Kensington American Legion we have our pony/horse shoes with dessert as our feature. We will have chili and cheesy ham and potato soup and these come with dessert, too. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen is open from 6-8 and you can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Hope to see you Friday!
Kensington Library
Normal library hours are: Mondays- 8am to 7pm, Tue. through Fri. from 8am to 4pm, and Saturdays 9am to 2pm. In a case of no school, hours will be 9am-2pm.
Our Read It & Eat book club meets this Saturday, February 3rd. The titles of discussion are “Little Beach Street Bakery” by Jenny Colgan and a second (optional) title “Sugar and Salt” by Susan Wiggs. We plan to meet at 1:30pm for some great fellowship, book discussion and snacks!
Sympathy and prayers for the family and friends of Leland Rahjes. He passed away on January 20, 2024 at Smith County Memorial Hospital in Smith Center at the age of 78.
News items needed
If you’re not seeing what you want to see, send me YOUR NEWS. Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at