News for 10/6/2021
Thunder Ridge Ballgame Schedule & Important Dates
Thurs 7- 4/6pm MS VB/FB @ Lakeside (Downs); 4:30pm HS XC @ Phillipsburg
Fri 8- 12:30pm K-3rd to Hunter’s Pumpkin Patch; 7pm FB vs Osborne *PINK OUT NIGHT
Sat 9- 9am HS VB Tournament @ Hill City
Tues 12- TRES & MS Dental Screening/Fluoride Varnishing; HS 10am late start; HS 10:15am Dental Screening/Fluoride Varnishing; 4pm HS VB Tri @ Home
Thurs 14- 4/6pm MS VB/ FB @ Osborne; 4pm HS XC @ Lakeside
Fri 15- END of 1st QTR; 5:30pm All Fall Sports Parent's Night; 6pm HS FB @ Home vs Frankfort (Planning a 5th Qtr for JV Football)
Sat 16- 9am HS VB NPL Tournament
Mon 18- 11am MS VB Tournament @ Beloit
National 4-H Week
This Sunday, October 10, the Busy Bees are hosting a Food Pantry Drive for personal hygiene items. A donation box will be located at the Kensington Community Store and the 4-H members will also be doing porch pick-ups around 3:00pm on Sunday afternoon. Please consider donating items such as: toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body soaps, q-tips, cotton balls, feminine products, and baby items. The Busy Bees 4-H Club is always looking for ways to help our community. Please contact leaders Marlene Nelson or Erica Barnes and let us know what we can do for you.
Raising great kids is a challenging task, but it’s easier when you have a team of people behind you. 4-H clubs are groups of families that do just that. Through working together, families share knowledge and interests to help kids learn practical skills and important values. Kansas 4-H is open to youth between the ages of 7 and 19. The new 4-H year starts in October, so many prefer to join 4-H at the start of the school year. 4-H enrollment, however, is open year round, so youth can join any time. In order to show at the county fair you must be enrolled by May 1st.
October 3-10, 2021 is National 4-H Week and the Post Rock District has challenged its clubs to show their Spark for 4-H! You should notice kids and parents in the community posting photos to their social media. The kids will also be presenting at their schools and encouraging their classmates to join the club!
Mat Makers
Mat makers will meet October 23, from 9-12, at St. John a Lutheran Church. Join us if you can!

Barrett Bienhoff, Jenna, Conner, and Addison Molzahn, and Cameron Hardacre show they “Live Generously” by loading boxes for Lutheran World Relief.
St. John’s Service Projects
St. John Lutheran Church sent off their yearly service projects to Lutheran World Relief last Sunday. Lives will be changed for the better with the combined efforts of LWR and churches in the synod.
The quilting ladies work year round turning old sheets and blankets into warm, beautiful quilts to be given away through LWR. This year the group made 134 quilts. Any sheets can be used in this project so if you have ones to get rid of, please donate them to the church.
Another project the ladies of the church take on are assembling personal health kits. They contain: nail clippers, a tooth brush, two bars of soap, and a wide toothed comb, all wrapped in a bath towel. This year the ladies donated 102 kits to LWR.
The Sunday school kids are learning about having a heart of service too. They collect and pack
school kits each fall. These kits provide children with the needed supplies to attend school. Without these kits, these children wouldn’t have this opportunity. Kits include 5 pencils, 5 pens, a ruler, 24 pack of crayons, an eraser, scissors, and a pencil sharpener. These are all packed into a homemade drawstring backpack. This year the kids packed 181 school bags.
All these items are taken to a collection site in Hays each October and then transported to the LWR Headquarters. Then they are shipped all over the world, helping those in need.

Sisters put in a teamwork effort! Jenna and Addison Molzahn working together.

Barrett helps his mom, Morgan Bienhoff, box up school kits. Pics provided by Robin Billings.
K-town Kates met on September 13, 2021 at the Kensington Senior Citizens Center for their monthly meeting. Fourteen members answered the roll call naming their favorite wine or beverage. The July minutes were read. There was not an August meeting since the Kates had the pie stand at Old Fashioned Saturday night. Donna presented the treasurer's report and reported on the success of the pie stand. The reports were declared approved.
Georgetta reported on the food pantry. Discussion followed.
The October meeting will be a pizza party at the Senior Citizens Center beginning at 6:00 p.m. The program will be planning the programs for 2022. A brief discussion was held. Hostesses Georgetta and Donna J. will make the arrangements.
JoLinn moved to adjourn the meeting. Janet seconded. Motion carried.
The wine and cheese party followed. Everyone shared their favorite wine or beverage that they brought for the party. Hostesses Deb B. and Joyce provided the cheese and crackers. Good conversation and games provided by the hostesses followed.
FOOD PANTRY: The October food pantry will be Saturday October 16, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 at the Kensington Senior Citizens Center. Additional workers will be JoLinn and Donna W.
Weekly Inspirations
Today, don’t let anyone rent a space in your head, unless they're a good tenant.
Always end the night with a positive thought. No matter how hard the day may have been, there is always a reason to be grateful.
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at