News for 11/1/2023
Veterans Day Celebration
Join us for the annual Veterans’ Day Celebration in Kensington on Saturday, November 11, 2023. The theme for this year is “Honoring All Who Served.” Starting at 9:00am, there will be a Craft Fair at the American Legion and a Book Fair at the Library. Visit the Pie Stand at the Vo-Ag building south of the elementary school to purchase desserts made by the Legion Auxiliary women. The ladies are also selling Quilt tickets and chances to win other items, plus the traditional poppies.
The opening ceremony will begin at 11:00am with special guest speaker Dr. Seth Kastle, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq and Retired Army Reserve First Sergeant. Parade will commence at approximately 11:15am. The FREE BBQ to follow around noon; be sure to bring your own bowls or Tupperware.
The Fall Festival Craft Fair at the American Legion will be open until 3:00pm.
Be sure to contact any SAL member to purchase raffle tickets for guns. Prizes to be given away Saturday night starting at 9:00pm at the Legion. Need not be present to win. Don’t forget the Lions Club Pancake Feed starting at 6:00am Sunday morning, November 12.
The K-town Kates met on Monday, October 9, 2023 at 6:00 at the Kensington Community Center for the annual pizza party and was hosted by Donna and Georgetta. The roll call “What was your favorite scary movie” was answered by 12 members.
The minutes and treasurer’s report were given by Deb B. and Donna J. The food pantry report was given. Irene and Ijean will work as the additional workers in September, and JoAnn and Barb at the November 18th Food Pantry.
The Christmas party was discussed. JoLinn, Deb B., and Barbara are the committee members. They reported that with approval, Jeri Hunter will cater the meal. The meal will be baked steak, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, roll, and dessert. The date is December 2 at the Kensington Community Center, with social hour at 6:00 p.m. and the meal served at 6:30. Loretta will provide an appetizer, Janet and Janette - crackers and dip, JoLinn - cheese ball, and the committee – punch, plastic ware, entertainment, and decorations. A grab bag gift exchange of $10-15 will take place for those who choose to participate.
Members will meet at the Center and travel together to Sharon Rust’s establishment for the program for the November 13th meeting. Janet and Donna J. will be the hostesses.
Melinda moved and Joyce seconded to keep the same officers for the upcoming year: Donna Westbrook-President, Doris Wiens-Vice President, Deb Bienhoff-Secretary, Treasurer-Donna Johnson, Georgetta Kinyon and Donna Johnson-Food Pantry. Motion carried. Discussions were held and decided on Programs, Hostesses, and Food pantry workers for 2024 year. With appreciation from the members, Janet agreed to compile and print the meeting booklets. Meeting adjourned.
TR Schools Schedule of Events
Nov. 1-4 National FFA Convention @ Indianapolis
Thur. 2- 8am KAYS Blood Drive; 4pm MS BB @ Sylvan-Lucas
Sat. 4- NWKMEA HS Honor Jazz Band & JH District Honor Band/Choir
There shall be no athletic practice, offseason conditioning, informal basketball shooting, working out on wrestling mats, etc., in school owned facilities during the Fall Athletic Buffer Week, commencing on Monday, November 6 through Sunday, November 12.
Mon. 6- KAY Regional Conference @ Norton HS; NPL Choir Clinic Here w/ Concert @ 6pm
Tues. 7- 4pm MS BB @ Lincoln
Thur. 9- 4pm MS BB Home vs Osborne
Wed. 15- 9:30am FFA Food Science @ Wakeeney
Thur. 16- 4pm MS BB Home vs St. John’s-Tipton
Mon. 20- 4pm MS BB @ Logan-Palco
Kensington Library
Join us for the “Read It and Eat” book club discussion this Saturday, November 4, at 1:00pm. October's title was Magic, Lies, and Deadly Pies by Misha Popp. Kari over at the Kensington Community Store made two delicious desserts from the book for customers to enjoy some book pie. We will have these desserts available to sample for anyone who missed them!
We have recently received 2 books written by local Lance McDowell. Riff Raff & Renegades: Crimes of Smith County Kansas and Murder & Mayhem: True Tales from the Heart of Smith County Kansas are now available for anyone who wishes to read.
Legion Friday Night
This week at the Kensington American Legion we will have good ol German green bean dumpling soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen is open from 6-8. You can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Hope to see you Friday!
Weekly Inspiration
I know you have a challenge right now, but remember, a negative mind will never give you a positive life. How can you flip a negative into a positive today?
News items needed
If you’re not seeing what you want to see, send me YOUR NEWS. Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at