News for 11/10/21
Veterans Day Celebration
The annual Veterans Day Celebration in Kensington is THIS Saturday, November 13, 2021. The theme for this years’ parade is “We Don’t Know Them All, But We Owe Them All”. To pay tribute to those who have fought for our freedom, we invite you to prepare an entry and participate in our parade.
The American Legion Auxiliary will have the pie stand open at 9:00am. Located in the Vo-Ag building across the street from the high school, come purchase pie by the slice or whole. The Auxiliary women will also have quilt raffle tickets and poppies for sale. The parade festivities will begin at 11:00am with the guest speaker, Marri Krupco addressing the community, and the parade will start promptly at 11:15am. Prizes will be awarded for the first 3 places in each of 5 categories: churches, schools, organizations, businesses, and miscellaneous. Pre-registration is appreciated. If you did not receive an entry form in the mail and would like to register, please contact Judy or Alan Bates, 785-476-5334 or 5191.
Bring your own tupperware for the FREE BBQ. Food will be served from the concessions building (south of Vo-Ag building) following the parade. But please bring your own plates or containers because tableware/silverware are not provided. KAYS will be helping the Lions Club deliver food to shut-ins. SAL members and Legion Riders will also be selling raffle tickets for guns. Several consolation prizes awarded after the firearms. A free dance will take place at the Legion Hall from 8pm-12am and raffle prizes will be announced starting at 9:00pm.
Back after 25 years!
The Kensington American Legion will host a Veteran’s Day Trap Shoot on Saturday, November 13. Starting at 2:00pm, south of town on C Road (watch for signs). The cost is $5 per person to shoot a round. Bring your own shotgun and shells. They will be using a Remington Cast Iron Thrower that is over 100 years old!
Fall Festival Craft Fair in Kensington Nov. 13
The Kensington Commercial/Community Club once again plans to host the Fall Festival Craft Fair on Saturday, November 13th, during the annual Veterans Day Celebration. Open from 9:00am to 3:00pm, there will be lots of vendors located in the American Legion Hall. Concession stand will also be provided. For more information call Melissa Westbrook at 785-476-8166.
Book Fair at the Kensington Library
The Scholastic Book Fair will be at the library in Kensington now through November 19th. We will be open from 9am to 2pm during the Veterans Day Celebration for families to come in and purchase books. We will also have teacher wish lists available for purchases to be made for the Thunder Ridge Elementary School classrooms. Library hours for the Book Fair are: Mondays 8am-7pm, Tuesday/Thursday 8am-4pm, Wednesday/Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.
Lions Club Pancake Feed
Sunday morning, November 14, starting at 6:00am the Lions Club will hold their annual, post Veterans Celebration, Pancake Feed. Free will donations are welcomed.
Community Praise Service
The community Praise service will be Sunday, Nov. 21st at 7 PM at the United Church in Kensington. The theme is “Hope and Praise”. The area churches will be providing special music. Please call Sherry Newbrey if you have specials to add to the program. 785-476-8073 or 785-476-2605.
1st Quarter Honors Program
TRMS held the Honors Program for the 1st quarter on Wednesday, October 20th. Students are recognized for their outstanding dedication and hard work.

4th grade honors awarded to: Emma Cole, Becca Epple, Breckyn McDowell, Helaman Tilton, Rhett Hopson.

5th grade honors awarded to: Braxtyn Dodds, Daniel Ferguson, Aadyn Blank, Emma Dixon.

6th grade honors awarded to: Cameron Hardacre, Shae Baker, Tate Foreman, Addison Molzahn, Lexi Rust.

Perfect Attendance awards: Hayley Glaze, Daniel Ferguson, Aadyn Blank, Lucas Barnes, Lexi Rust, Rhett Hopson.

Music honors awarded to: Hannah Nelson, Daniel Ferguson, Cameron Hardacre, Jackson Dunlap.

PE awards to: Hayley Glaze and Helaman Tilton.
Thunder Ridge Ballgames & Important Dates
Thur. 11- MS BB @Agra vs Osborne 4:00pm
Fri. 12- HS FB Sectional @LEBO 5:00pm start
Sat. 13- 7-12 Band to march in Veteran’s Day Parade @Kensington
Mon. 15- MS Cheer Cookie Dough arrives
Thur. 18- MS BB @Agra vs Rock Hills 4:00pm
Mon. 22- MS BB @Logan 4:00pm, lv @ 2:35
Tue. 23- Dismiss @ 12:15pm for Thanksgiving Break
Wed. 24-26: No School – Thanksgiving Break
Weekly Inspiration
Your happiness should never be dependent on their attitude, their apology, their approval, their support, their acknowledgment, their growth, their change, or their acceptance. Your happiness comes from within, so don’t allow anyone else to have that much control.
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at