News for 11/9/22
Congrats to the Thunder Ridge Longhorns!
In beating Jetmore-Hodgeman this last Friday night, they claimed the Regional Championship title. They will advance to sectional play and face Victoria in Victoria Friday, November 11, starting at 6:00pm. Best of Luck to the players and coaches.
Veterans Day Celebration
Join us for our Veterans Day Celebration in Kensington this Saturday, November 12, 2022. The theme for this year is “Honoring Those Who Answered The Call.” There will be a Craft Fair at the American Legion and Scholastic Book Fair at the Library, both starting at 9:00am. Visit the Vo-Ag building south of the elementary school to purchase desserts made by the Legion Auxiliary women. The parade will begin with a special speaker, Joseph Ferguson National Guard Army Reserve Specialist, at 11:00am. The FREE BBQ to follow around noon; be sure to bring your own bowls or Tupperware.
The Fall Festival Craft Fair at the American Legion will be open until 3:00pm. Also,Tim Anthony and the Animals will provide entertainment from 8-11pm at the Legion, so put on some dancing shoes! Don’t forget the Lions Club Pancake Feed starting at 6:00am Sunday morning, November 13.
The K-Town Kates met Monday, October 10, 2022 at the Kensington Community Center at 6:00 for a Pizza party. Hostesses Georgetta and Donna W. coordinated the event providing pizza and salad. A delicious apple cake was served at the end of the meeting.
Donna W. opened the meeting with 3 fall word games. Roll call was answered by 12 members with “3 words that describe you.”
Deb B. read the minutes of the previous meeting and Donna J. gave the treasurers report.
Georgetta gave the Food Pantry Report. The Smith Center Ministerial Alliance had contacted the pantry with the opportunity for the Kensington Food Pantry to participate in their voucher program. After discussion, Janet moved that the Kensington Food Pantry participate with appreciation in the Smith Center Ministerial Alliance Voucher program. Joyce seconded. Motion carried. The additional workers for the Saturday, November 19th Food pantry will be Doris and Joyce.
NEW BUSINESS: The annual K-town Kates Christmas Party will be held December 17, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. with husbands invited to attend. There will be a $10-15 gift exchange for those who choose to participate.
The November meeting will be Monday the 14th. Those who can will meet at the American Legion at 6:00 p.m. to enjoy a meal of hot wings. The meeting will follow later at 7:00 at the Kensington Community Center.
The Programs, Hostesses and Food Pantry Workers for each month for 2023 was discussed and decided. Several new adventures for the meetings were added. Booklets will be made for each member.
Meeting adjourned.
Friday Night at the Legion
This week at the Kensington American Legion we will have a special of potato soup and Reuben sliders with a dessert. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen is open from 6-8pm. You can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. We wish the area teams well in their playoff games!