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News for 2/17/2020

Mat Makers

Because of the bitter cold, mat makers moved their meeting time from last Saturday to this coming Saturday, February 20, 9-noon. They meet at St. John Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome!!

Anniversary Celebration at St. John

St. John Lutheran Church will hold its annual anniversary celebration after church this Sunday. It will be a brunch to honor members of the church celebrating wedding anniversaries in increments of five. There are many honored couples. It will be a great celebration!

TOPS Meetings to Resume

Athol chapter of TOPS will resume its regular weekly meetings on March 2nd, weather permitting. Weigh-in will be from 8:45 a.m. until 9:45, and the meeting will begin at 9:00, in the meeting room of Trinity Ag Co-op in Athol. We ask that you use the west door.

Please wear your fanciest or funniest face mask, as we will have a small fashion show at this meeting!

Anyone who would like more information, or is interested in joining TOPS is welcome to attend one meeting; or you may call Stephanie at 785-543-6505.

Kensington Library

It is our policy to close when USD 110 schools cancel classes due to bad/inclement weather. All late starts or special hours will be posted to the library Facebook page. Follow us on Facebook for important updates and info: Kensington Community/School Library.

Weekly Inspirations

Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength. - Eric Hoffer

Gratitude: Always have it. Never expect it. - Unknown

Consistency is so important. Be consistent with your positive energy, if you wish to reap positive results. - Unknown

TR STUCO Flag Fundraiser

The Thunder Ridge High School Student Council is holding a flag fundraiser. There is a video showing the new flag design on the Thunder Ridge High School Facebook page. Please contact any Student Council member or sponsor Erica Barnes to place your order. A 3x2 size is $35 and the 5x3 size is $50. All proceeds will go towards future STUCO activities and events.

TRHS Basketball Schedule

Reminder that everything is subject to change at any time.

Game for Monday, Feb. 15 moved to Thursday night, Feb. 18- Hill City @ Kensington 4:00pm; 2 spectators per family.

Tuesday, Feb. 16- Lincoln @ Lincoln 4:00pm

Friday, Feb. 19- Rock Hills @ Kensington, 4:00pm and Senior Parents Night. *Senior Parent Recognition will be right after the Boys JV Game on February 19.

Tuesday, Feb. 23- Wilson @ Wilson; 4:00pm

Thursday, Feb. 25- Regional BB Begins

TRMS Calendar of Events


Mon. 22- Early Dismissal @ 2:30pm – Teacher In-Service

Thur. 25- MS Scholar’s Bowl at St. John’s Beloit 4:00pm/lv @ 2:20pm


Fri. 5- End of Quarter 3

Tue. 9- MS AR Party @ Stockton Bowling Alley; 7/8 lv @ 8:15am & 4/5/6 lv @ 12:15pm

Wed. 10- MS Honors Program 3:15pm in MS Auditorium

Thunder Ridge School Play

Students from the Thunder Ridge high School presented their annual play, "You Can't Be Too Careful", last Saturday, and had to cancel their 2nd performance that was scheduled for Sunday due to the poor weather. Members of the cast and crew are shown below, along with characters. Because of the cancellation, it was decided to also live stream the event on the Thunder Ridge High School YouTube channel, or can be viewed by following the link below.

The students work very hard each year to present a play, but this year due to the weather and COVID restrictions, their audience was limited, and admission collected was hit hard. Therefore, donations are GLADLY accepted and appreciated, and can be sent to the High School.


Back (l-r): Trinity Coomes, JaCea Reece, Kristal Rice, Leland McGuire, Paul Ferguson.

Front (l-r): Cameron Cochrun, Jordyn Vales, Casandra Gibson, Mya Hoersdig, Jacob Barnes, Caleb Dodds, and Director Patty Lowe.

The little, old ladies Caleb Dodds, Casandra Gibson, Kristal Rice, Trinity Coomes, Leland McGuire.

The “bad guys” Mya Hoersdig And Jacob Barnes.

Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell) "It's never too late—in fiction or in life—to revise."



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