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News for 2/21/24

Sub-State Basketball Quarterfinals

Thursday, February 22: TR Boys will play at Rexford with a start time of 6:30, and a leave time of 3:40pm.

Friday, February 23: TR Girls will play at Kensington with a start time of 7:00 vs Natoma. Tickets will start at 6:00pm with NO PASSES ACCEPTED.

Pictured: student Sawyer Levin having a hearing check by school nurse Elizabeth Hainke.

USD 110 was awarded a grant from Dane G. Foundation for the purchase of updated hearing and vision equipment. The local Lions Club assisted with money for the purchase of the equipment. 

This equipment is used in the vision and hearing screening of students in the school district. Studies show that if a child's vision and hearing are impaired, even slightly, learning may be impacted. 

Students in grades Pre-K through third grade, fifth, seventh and tenth were screened this year. Other students are screened as requested for any other requirements. If a teacher has a concern for a child in class not listed in the grades screened, those students will be screened.  Students are initially screened, and if needed, will be rescreened if a concern is detected. We follow State required referral criteria and complete as needed. 

These screenings do not replace normal visits to Health Care Providers. Rather, they assist in possible recognition of vision and or hearing issues. 

TR Schools Schedule of Events


*National FFA Week 18-24

Thur. 22- MS Scholar’s Bowl @ Northern Valley 4:00pm

Fri. 23- 7:00pm Girls Sub-State game -NO passes will be honored

Mon. 26- MS Scholar’s Bowl @ St. John’s Beloit 3:30pm


Fri. 1- End of Quarter 3

Sat. 2- MS Dance for 7th/8th in Cafetia @ Agra 6:30-8:30pm

Mon. 4- 2:30pm FFA Entomology/Ag Communications @ Downs

Tue. 5- MS Scholar’s Bowl @ Stockton 4:30pm

Wed. 6- MS Honors Program in auditorium @ Agra 3:15pm

Mon. 11-Fri. 15: NO School - Spring Break

Mon. 18- MS Track Begins

Fri. 22- STP Carnival @ Middle School in Agra

Tue. 26- 9:00am FFA Invitational Livestock Contest @ Smith Center; 3:15pm MS Track pictures

Fri. 29- Good Friday - NO School

Legion Friday Night 

This week at the Kensington American Legion we have our hot beef sandwiches or the hot hamburger as our special. Our soup will be lasagna soup with garlic bread.The specials come with dessert.  Our kitchen is open from 6-8 and you can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Hope to see you Friday!

Kensington Library News

Our titles for the next Read It & Eat Book Club meeting will be the second book in the series by Jenny Colgan “Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery” and “The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living” by Louise Miller. Anyone is welcome to join, just stop by the library and check out these titles and plan to come for our next gathering on the first Saturday of April @ 1:30pm. We meet at the library and encourage (but do not require) for you to bring a baked good from the recipes listed in the back of the books. We hope to see you Saturday, April 6th!  

For our digital patrons, you may have noticed some difficulties checking out items on Hoopla the past few months. We have attempted to remedy this by sending more funds to the company. However, there have been some changes taking place with budgets and it will cost our library more to continue funding this digital resource. We know many of you enjoy and appreciate this platform for your digital lending, and you might become discouraged when you receive the message stating to try again after midnight. Each checkout does cost us, so please be patient. We encourage the use of Libby app and the cloudLibrary as well. All you need for Libby is your local library card account number and pin. To access cloudLibrary, you will need a state library card. Your librarians are glad to help you with any of these.

News items needed

If you’re not seeing what you want to see, send me YOUR NEWS. Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at  



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