News for 2/26/25
Mark Your Calendars!
Mark your calendar: Alumni Banquet is Saturday, May 24, 2025.
We are making preparations for the annual Kensington/Thunder Ridge banquet. Does your address or contact information need to be updated? Email to update your information so invites can be mailed out.
Also, Saturday, June 7, 2025 will be the Summer Kick-Off event hosted by the Kensington Commercial/Community Club. It will be a fun time you won’t want to miss!
TR Schedule of Events
REMINDER: changes or cancellations may occur. Textcasters are sent out to update.
Thur. 27- MS Scholar’s Bowl @ Northern Valley (Long Island) 3:00pm/lv @ 2:00
Fri. 28- End of 3rd Qtr
Sat. 1- HS BB Sub-State Semifinals TBA
Mon. 3- PTL Music Contest @ Sylvan/Lucas 8:30am/lv 6:55 from HS; 2:30pm FFA Entomology/Ag Communications/ 3:30pm FFA Poultry @ Downs; 3:45pm HS Track begins
Sat. 8- 9am Powerlifting Meet @ Trego
Mon. 10- MS Scholar’s Bowl @ St. John’s (Beloit) 4:00pm/lv @ 2:20
Wed. 12- MS Honors Program in auditorium (Agra) 3:15pm
Spring Break is March 17-21
Mon. 24- MS Track Begins
Thur. 27- NPL Powerlifting @ Lincoln 1:00pm
Fri. 28- 5th/6th/7th to Ameritowne Day @ Lenora 10:00am/lv @ 8:30; School Carnival @ MS 6:00pm
Wed. 2- MS Track Pictures 3:15pm
Sat. 5- Solo & Small Ensemble Contest @ Concordia
Tue. 8- HS Track @ Beloit St. John’s 3:00pm
Thur. 10- MS Track @ Norton 9:30am/lv @ 8:00
Sat. 12- PROM
Legion Friday Night
Serving the regular menu items every Friday from 6-8pm and also offering a Friday Night Special. Call ahead your to–go orders at 785-476-3204. We hope to see you Friday night! Watch the American Legion Fred Marran Post #166 Facebook page for weather cancellations and further info.
Library News
February is Library Lover’s Month! We asked our patrons to help us with a “String of Hearts” challenge by writing out the reasons they love the library on hearts to hang around the room. The TRES students are always so sweet to do this for us and we so enjoy reading their responses!
ATTN For those of you who have State Library eCards: If you like to access the state databases for research or use the other amazing resources online, please note that the URL for the State Library of Kansas is no longer Please use: If you need a State Library eCard to access great things like CloudLibrary, please visit and ask!
Weekly Inspiration
This is a reminder that feeling tired does not mean you don't have what it takes to overcome challenges. Give yourself credit. You got this!
News items needed
Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at