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News for 3/12/25


It is time to register for the upcoming school year!

Wanted: Incoming kindergarten students for the 2025-26 school year. (Must be 5 years old by Aug. 31, 2025.) Kindergarten round-up will be on Friday, April 4th at Thunder Ridge Elementary, Kensington.

Please call 785-476-3241 by March 26 to reserve your child's spot.

Leanka van der Linden and Hannah Nelson finish their crafts for the Sunporch residents during the KAY meeting.

TR Schedule of Events

REMINDER: changes or cancellations may occur. Textcasters are sent out to update.


Wed. 12- MS Honors Program in auditorium (Agra) 3:15pm

Thur. 13- 9:00 am MS AR party @ Stockton Bowling Alley 

FRIDAY 14- 9:00 am Suicide Prevention Program @ HS-Grades 9/10; 10:00 am Suicide Prevention Program @ HS-Grades 11/12; 12:30 pm Suicide Prevention Program @ MS auditorium-Grades 4/5/6; 1:30 pm Suicide Prevention Program @ MS auditorium-Grades 7/8

Spring Break is March 17-21

Mon. 24- MS & HS Track Begins

Thur. 27- NPL Powerlifting @ Lincoln 1:00pm

Fri. 28- 5th/6th/7th to Ameritowne Day @ Lenora 10:00am/lv @ 8:30; School Carnival @ MS 6:00pm


Wed. 2- MS Track Pictures 3:15pm

Sat. 5- Solo & Small Ensemble Contest @ Concordia; PROM is Saturday the 5th!!

Mon. 7- Mother/KAY banquet @ 6pm

Tue. 8- HS Track @ Beloit St. John’s 3:00pm

Thur. 10- MS Track @ Norton 9:30am/lv @ 8:00

American Legion in Kensington  

Please call Julie Craig to reserve the legion at 785-543-4108. Both the bar area and the hall can be booked for graduation and wedding receptions, anniversaries, meetings, and other special events.  

Every Friday night we have the regular menu items and also offer a Friday Night Special. We are open Sunday nights as well offering burger baskets and usually (but not always) a special sandwich option too! Call ahead your to–go orders at 785-476-3204, the kitchen is open from 6-8pm. Watch the American Legion Fred Marran Post #166 Facebook page for weather cancellations and further info.

 We hope to see you Friday night!  

Library News

Hoopla is a free app available to the City of  Kensington library patrons, and our Thunder Ridge School District patrons, that offers thousands of audiobooks, as well as ebooks, comics, music, movies, and TV shows. Sounds like a lotta hoopla? Well, it is!

Hoopla has been a valuable service at our library since 2018, allowing patrons to check out ebooks, audiobooks, movies, music, and more on-demand, without waiting in line. Each checkout costs the library between $0.99 to $2.84, depending on the item.

CKLS has previously funded this program, but it is now the responsibility of our library to cover the cost.

We are aware of the difficulties our patrons have been facing when trying to check out books and receiving the memo to try again at midnight. Your Community Library Board and Librarian Erica Barnes are working hard to find a solution. We appreciate your patience and continued support as we explore ways to keep this valuable service available.

Mark Your Calendars!

Mark your calendar: Alumni Banquet is Saturday, May 24, 2025.

We are making preparations for the annual Kensington/Thunder Ridge banquet. Does your address or contact information need to be updated? Email to update your information so invites can be mailed out.

Also, Saturday, June 7, 2025 will be the Summer Kick-Off event hosted by the Kensington Commercial/Community Club. It will be a fun time you won’t want to miss!

Weekly Inspiration

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. -The Lorax

News items needed

Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at

Erica Barnes

Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian

Kensington Community/School Library

785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell)

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