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News for 3/19/2024

Gratitude for 20 Plus Years 

Special recognition and appreciation to Gary Nonamaker and Lee Johnson for 20 plus years of service volunteering behind the clock at home basketball games for both TRHS and West Smith County High School before that.  

Thunder Ridge School Carnival!

Come for Food and Fun! THIS Friday, March 22, located at the Middle School in Agra. Walking Tacos with all the fixings and dessert will be served in the lunchroom from 5:30-7:00pm; $5.00 per person. Games and Booths located in the gymnasium will begin at 6:30pm; purchase tickets to play. Come out and support our TR schools!

Kensington Library News

Meet-and-Greet with Kansas Author Rosie Bosse at the Kensington Community/School Library THIS Saturday, March 23, 2024. Sessions include: Pre-K to grade 3 from 9:30-10:30AM; 4-8th grades from 11AM-12PM; Adult Session from 12:30-1:30PM.

Thank you for supporting a Kansas author with your purchases. We hope you will join us this Saturday.

Eggs Needed for Easter Hunt

Friends of the Kensington Community!  It's time to prepare for the annual Easter Egg Hunt!  Please bring your eggs to the Kensington Community Store by noon on Friday, March 29, 2024.  Thank you in advance for making this a great event for our kids!

Kindergarten Round-Up

Thunder Ridge Elementary will hold a Kindergarten round-up on Friday, April 5th, for any children ready to enter kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Must be 5 years old by August 31, 2024. Please call 785-476-3241 by March 22 to reserve your child's spot.

KAYS to Host Blood Drive

The next KAY blood drive is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, at the TRHS. Sign up online or contact sponsor Robin Billings for an appointment. 

KAYS were busy creating Easter door decorations for Smith Center Health and Rehab and Sunporch. KAYS make seasonal decorations at each monthly meeting for the residents to enjoy. 

Students making hand bunnies in baskets.

TR Schools Schedule of Events


Fri. 22- STP Carnival @ Middle School in Agra

Tue. 26- 9:00am FFA Invitational Livestock Contest @ Smith Center; 3:15pm MS Track pictures

Fri. 29- Good Friday - NO School


Mon. April 1- NO School

Tue. 2- HS Track @ Beloit

Thur. 4- 9:30am MS Track @ Norton


Mon. 8- 6:00pm Mother/KAY Banquet

Tue. 9- HS Track @ Smith Center

Thur. 11- 2:00pm MS Track @ Stockton

Legion Friday Night

This week at the Kensington American Legion we have our chicken fry meal or a chicken fry sandwich basket as our feature. Chicken pot pie will be our soup. 

We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen is open from 6-8pm.  You can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up.  Hope to see you Friday!

Update Addresses for Alumni Invites

Invitations will be mailed out soon for the Annual Alumni Banquet. Please send any updates and address corrections to our alumni board at


Weekly Inspiration

Positivity doesn't solve all of your problems or remove your challenges, but it will allow you to feel better going through them! What can you be grateful for right now? 



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