News for 3/24/21
KCS Held 1st Qtr Fundraiser
The Kensington Community Store held a drive-thru Mardi Gras meal for the 1st quarter fundraiser on Sunday, March 21, 2021. Thunder Ridge High School KAY members lent a helping hand to serve these meals on the go. If you missed out but would still like to make a contribution, free will donations are accepted at the store. We appreciate the community support. We wouldn’t be here without you!

Left to right: Joan Nech, Jacob Barnes, Alexis Holling, Liam Corbett, Zach Barnes, Casandra Gibson, Milton Detwiler.
Kensington HOME Foundation Spring grants
The Kensington HOME Foundation is pleased to announce spring grants for 2021. We are pleased to fund grants to the Kensington Housing Authority, Kensington Recreation Commission, 3rd grade nutrition education, and middle school character development education. Thanks to all organizations who applied.
The HOME Foundation was founded in 1997 to support and improve the community of Kensington. Grants are funded by a permanent endowment managed by the Greater Salina Community Foundation. The endowment interest—coupled with the generosity of benefactors—has enabled us to disperse $15,900 in grants since 2015 to local civic organizations. Every grant period leaves several worthy applications unfunded. If you would like to find out how you can help please contact a board member: Michael Isom, Adam Synoground, Tim Bartley,, Amber Hardacre, Patty Kuhlmann, Cindy Rahjes, and Bob Bearley.
Mat Makers Meet
The group will meet this Saturday, March 27, from 9-noon. Come help if you can!
TRMS Calendar of Events
Mon. 22- MS Track Begins
Fri. 26- MS Track pictures 3:15
Tue. 30- K-12 Immunization Clinic
Fri. 2- No School – Good Friday
Mon. 5- No School – Easter Break
Wed. 7- Gifted Students to AmeriTowne in Lenora 9-3:30
Thur. 8- MS Track @ Norton 9:30am, lv @ 8:00
Kensington Library
Spring has sprung! The library has switched to spring hours and will now be open: Mondays from 8am-7pm, Tuesday through Friday from 8am-4pm, and Saturdays from 9am-2pm.
Did you know that March is National Quilting Month? Visit the library during the month of March and see the lovely quilt display. Local ladies of the Prairie Treasures quilting guild and Sew Crazy ladies quilting group have provided numerous beautiful pieces. Bring your women’s church group or carpool and enjoy the company of friends! The quilts will be up for the whole month of March.
Weekly Inspirations
Failure is nature's plan to prepare you for great responsibilities. - Napoleon Hill
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. - Dale Carnegie
Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong. - Peter T. McIntyre
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color edition online, visit the Kensington website at