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News for 3/8/23

Pictured are Annie Adams (TR K-12 Music Teacher) and Brooklyn Stauffer (grade 11).

KMEA Conference

TRHS Junior Brooklyn Stauffer performed in the 12A Honor Band held at the Kansas Music Educator conference in Wichita Feb. 23-25. The ensemble was composed of band members from other 1 and 2A schools from across the state.

Sub-State Runners-Up

With a tough loss to St. John’s/Tipton Saturday night, March 4, the Lady Longhorns were named Sub-State Runners-Up. Congrats on a great season girls. We are proud of you!

TR Schools Schedule of Events


Wed. 8- MS Book Fair 9:00am-3:45pm; MS Honors Program in Auditorium 3:15pm

Thur. 9- 6th grade to Oakley for “Kid Wind Challenge” @ 9:00am, lv KTown 6:20 &Agra 6:30; MS Book Fair 9:00am-3:45pm; 4-8th Gr to Logan for Play 1:30pm, lv @ 12:45

Fri. 10- MS AR Party at Stockton Bowling Alley; MS Grade Cards sent home w/students

Mar. 13-17: No School – Spring Break

Mon. 20- MS Track practice begins

Thur. 23- NPL Powerlifting @ Wilson 1:00pm

Fri. 24- School Carnival @ MS in Agra: Walking Tacos start at 5:30, games/booths open at 6:30

Tue. 28- FFA Livestock @ Smith Center 9:00am; MS Track Sports Pictures @ 3:15pm

Legion Friday Night

This week at the Kensington American Legion we will have beef and noodles over mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry fluff, and a dessert. Our soups will be chili and chicken pot pie. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen hours are 6-8. You can call 785-476-3204 for us to make your supper to-go. Hope to see you Friday!

Kensington Library News

JoAnn Wahrman, daughter of Harold and Lelia Grauerholz, has brought in several scrapbooks Lelia compiled through the years. They will be set out for anyone interested to come and look through them. Many familiar faces and memorable events to be seen!

The library was able to purchase 5 new planters and flowers last spring with funds provided by Lelia’s memorial. And we will purchase more flowers this spring in her memory.


Wesley James Rahjes, passed away Friday, March 3, at the age of 95. Sympathies to his family and friends.

Weekly Inspiration

Hey, no matter what happened today, reflect on the best moments. Don't let stress or a challenge stop you from being grateful for what you have and what is still going right. Find the lesson and grow through what you go through.


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