News for 4/19/2025

Lions Club
Mike Isom sponsored new members PJ and Pikkie van der Linden. Beccy Isom was their other sponsor. District Governor Diana Baumann swore them in at the March Lions Club meeting.

MS students participating in a warm up activity.

District Governor Diana Baumann recognized Members for years of service. Don Weins, 60 years; Bob Bearley, 40 years; Galen Larson, 15 years; Robin and Greg Billings, 10 years.

Danny Spieker presenting about HQ Kansas and their 988 hotline services.
HQ Kansas Hotline
Friday, March 14, the Thunder Ridge KAY group, sponsored a presentation on the Awareness of Suicide Prevention. The speaker was from HQ Kansas and the program was made possible by Thriving Youth.
There were two presentations at the high school and two at the middle school. Students were given information to better prepare them to recognize possible warning signs of suicide and also what to do if they themselves felt like they needed help.
TR Schedule of Events
REMINDER: changes or cancellations may occur. Textcasters are sent out to update.
Spring Break is March 17-21
Mon. 24- MS & HS Track Begins
Tue. 25- 9:00am TRES 3rd grade Ag Safety Day @ Phillipsburg 4-H Bldg lv ~8:30; 8:15am HS Vo-Ag @ Smith Center lv ~ 8:00am; 3:15pm HS National Honor Society Inductions
Thur. 27- NPL Powerlifting @ Lincoln 1:00pm
Fri. 28- 5th/6th/7th to Ameritowne Day @ Lenora 10:00am/lv @ 8:30; School Carnival @ MS 5:30 – 7:00 pm Walking Taco Dinner
Sat. 29- 9:00am Girls Rock Boys Rule @ PAC Center FORMS DUE 26TH
Wed. 2- MS Track Pictures 3:15pm
Sat. 5- Solo & Small Ensemble Contest @ Concordia; PROM
Tue. 8- HS Track @ Beloit St. John’s 3:00pm
Thur. 10- MS Track @ Norton 9:30am/lv @ 8:00
American Legion in Kensington
Please call Julie Craig to reserve the legion at 785-543-4108. Both the bar area and the hall can be booked for graduation and wedding receptions, anniversaries, meetings, and other special events.
Every Friday night we have the regular menu items and also offer a Friday Night Special. We are open Sunday nights as well offering burger baskets and usually (but not always) a special sandwich option too! Call ahead your to–go orders at 785-476-3204, the kitchen is open from 6-8pm. Watch the American Legion Fred Marran Post #166 Facebook page for weather cancellations and further info.
We hope to see you Friday night!
News items needed
Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at