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News for 4/20/2022

This is the TRHS band bringing home a I rating from state large ensemble contest! Hard work paid off! Way to go Longhorns!

2022 Kensington Egg Hunt was a success! Thank you to all the local businesses who donated eggs, to the commercial club for organizing it, and to the TR KAYS for hiding eggs!

Cameron and Elizabeth Whitney with daughter Olivia at the Easter Egg Hunt.

Avila Billings, daughter of Nolan and Katelyn, finds an egg.

Cute little girls waiting to hunt for eggs!

Thunder Ridge Calendar of Events

The BOGO Scholastic Book Fair will be held at the Kensington Library the week of April 18-22. Stop to shop buy one, get one FREE books and sign your kiddos up for our Summer Reading Program. Now accepting pre-registration for the “Oceans of Possibilities” coming this summer!


Wed. 20- PTL Music @ Southern Cloud (Miltonvale) 8:30am;


Thur. 21- MS Track @ Osborne 9:30am; StoryTeller @ MS in the auditorium for PreK – 6th @ 1:30pm; NHS Induction Ceremony in HS gym 3:15pm

Fri. 22- HS Track @ Osborne - Kaser Relays 3:00pm

Sat. 23- HS Powerlifting Tournament; KAYS Girls Rock Boys Roll @ the PAC 9am-12pm

Sun. 24- KAYS Highway Cleanup with Lion's Club

Tue. 26- MS Track @ Beloit 9:00am (hosted by Southern Cloud) lv KTown 6:40; Agra 6:50; Kirwin 7:00; K-3, 9-12 Spring Music Program @ HS gym 7:00pm

Wed. 27- 5th/6th to Water Jamboree @ Harlan Lake & Camp Joy 9:15am; Cheer/Dance Tryout 7:00pm

Thur. 28- HS Achievement Ceremony in HS gym 9:00am; STUCO FUN DAY all afternoon; FFA Banquet @ Russell 4:00pm

Fri. 29- Seniors Last Day; 5th/6th/8th to Young AmeriTown @ Lenora leave @ 8:20am; HS Track @ Beloit (Relays) 10:00am; Senior Check Out 3:00pm

Kensington Library

Regular library hours include: Monday 8am-7pm, Tuesday through Friday 8am-4pm, and Saturday 9am-2pm while school is in session. We will soon be switching to summer hours as the last day of school for USD 110 is May 10th!

Kensington American Legion

This week at the Kensington American Legion our special will be a smothered burrito with chili and cheese, Mexican rice, corn dip, and an apple pie enchilada. We will have our regular menu items as well. Our kitchen is open from 6-8pm and you can call 785-476-3204 for us to fix your order to go. Hope to see you Friday evening!

Mat Makers

Mat makers will be meeting on Saturday, April 23rd, from 9-12. Join us at the north Lutheran Church parish hall.

Potluck at the Center

The Kensington Community/Senior Center will be having a potluck supper on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. We will be eating at 6:00pm followed by games and card playing. Please bring a dish to share and any board games you would like to play. The Center will be open at 5:30pm for your convenience. Everyone is welcome. We hope to make this a monthly event.

The Center offers other activities during the month including various card games, dominoes, bingo and pool. Come by and pick-up an activity calendar and a menu for the noon lunches.


Prayers and sympathies to the family of Paula Jean Haskett. Paula went home to be with Jesus on April 14, 2022, at the age of 59. For the complete and beautifully written obituary, please visit

Weekly Inspiration

Life is more fulfilling when you get in the habit of trusting yourself, honoring your own opinion, and following cues that lead you down your own unique path. That’s because while the people who care for us mean well, they don’t always know exactly what’s best for us.

News items needed

Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at



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