News for 4/21/21
2021 TR Prom
Under the Stars was the theme for the 2021 Prom at Thunder Ridge. The high school students and their dates enjoyed a fun night starting with pictures at the park, dinner for the upperclassmen and teachers, promenade leading into the dance, and post prom following. Huge thank you to the Junior Class, their sponsors and parents for all efforts making the meal and dance possible. Thank you to all Steering Committee members and parents for the months of planning and organizing post prom. It was a terrific night!
Photos taken by Lacie Lloyd
Senior Class
Junior Class
Sophomore Class
Freshman Class
Kristal Rice and her date Bryce Kelley arrived in style by horse drawn buggy driven by Connie Kahrs complete with lanterns to light up the night.
Senior Jacob Barnes and his date Lexi Bice posing at the promenade.
KHS Alumni Shirt
The Alumni Association will be selling t-shirts as a fundraiser. Pre-orders are due on May 10 and the shirts will be available for pickup at the banquet on May 29. If you cannot be at the banquet we can work out shipping/pick up arrangements. Prepayment is appreciated- cash, check, Venmo, or Paypal accepted. Contact Adam Synoground at 785-476-5198 for more information.
TRMS Calendar of Events
Mon. 19- MS Track @ Logan (hosted by NV) 10:00 lv @ 8:30
Wed. 21- PTL Music @ Southern Cloud (Miltonvale) 8:30 (This will be Online); 5/6th to Water Jamboree @ Harlan Lake – Republican City, NE lv @ 8:30am
Thur. 22- MS Track @ Osborne 9:30am, lv Ktown 7:20; Agra 7:30; Kirwin 7:45
Sat. 24- 7-12 Band/Choir Program 1:30pm – outside of the HS on the lawn
Tue. 27- MS Track @ Beloit 9:00am, lv Ktown 6:40; Agra 6:50; Kirwin 7:00; No TR Academy
Tue. 4- MS Track @ Beloit 9:00 lv Ktown 6:40; Agra 6:50; Kirwin 7:00; No TR Academy
Wed. 5- 7th/8th Achievement Assembly in MS auditorium 8:30 (Academic, Athletics, 8th Promotion); Last Day of TR Academy
Thur. 6- Transportation mtg. 8:00 @ MS; Last Day for Pre-K; Last Day for 8th Grade – Check Out Sheets must be turned in
Fri. 7- 5th/6th grades to AmeriTown @ Lenora lv 8:45am and return by 3:45pm; 8th Grade to Kearney Big Apple lv @ 8:00am return by 3:45pm
Sat. 8- K-6 Band/Choir @ MS 1:30 – on the north lawn
Mon. 10- End of Year AR Party/Hot Dog Roast @ Agra Lake 12:00pm
Tue. 11- 4-5-6 Honors Program in MS auditorium 8:30am; End of Quarter 4 - Dismiss@ 12:15; PTL Track @ Rock Hills 1:00pm, lv @ 11:10am
United Women’s Salad Supper
The Kensington United Church Annual Women’s Salad Supper will be held Wednesday, April 28, 2021. Join us as we grow in our understanding of how each of us is a masterpiece made by God. Please bring your favorite salad and join in fellowship at 6:30pm. Location is the United Church Basement Fellowship Hall (elevator available for use on the south side of the church); address is 120 West Cedar, Kensington, KS. The program will specialize youth “Masterpieces” for your enjoyment. Contact Mary Arment 476.3225 or Doris Wiens 476.3236 for more information.
BOGO Book Fair is Here!
The awesome BOGO Book Fair is at the Kensington Library and now open for sales. Buy One, Get One FREE on everything! Books, posters, pencils, bookmarks, and more!
Dates/Times: Mondays - 8am-7pm, Tuesday/Thursday - 8am-4pm, Wednesday/Friday - 8am-5pm, Saturday - 9am-2pm. Join us Monday evening, April 26th for a Summer Reading Kick-off party and the final night of the Book Fair. Stop in from 6-7pm to sign-up for SRP, treats, & prizes!
Annual Spring Tea The annual Spring Tea of the Ktown Kates (hosts) and Home on the Range Clubs and their guests was held at the St. John Lutheran Church on Monday evening, April 12, 2021. Plant Seeds of Kindness was the theme of the evening. Each guest received a favor of a shabby chic floral arrangement that included the theme. Also decorating the tables were larger floral arrangements, all created by Loretta Struik, creating a colorful, uplifting spring atmosphere. Joyce Grauerholz welcomed members and guests with a short inspiring message. She then introduced The Gaines Girls; four sisters – Janet Hosmann, JoAnn Rice, Kathy Merklein, and Linda Dettmer, with Sherry Newbrey as accompanist. They sang several beautifully harmonized songs. Joyce then gave the invocation. Donna Westbrook, Ktown Kates president, had everyone introduce themselves and their guests. Next, everyone enjoyed the delicious salad luncheon. Loretta Struik introduced the program From Cape Town to Kansas by Ruby Wienham. Ruby told of her childhood and most of her adult years living in Cape Town, South Africa. By use of a virtual tour, she gave a brief history, geography, wildlife, industrial output, and political upheaval –past and present- of South Africa and the forces of apartheid and her personal life that led to her decision to emigrate to America. It was a moving story of strength, endurance and faith in God. Door prizes of living plants were awarded to Margie Schoen, Charlene Smith, Kathy Schmid and JoAnn Rice. A plant was also given to Deb Levin in appreciation for making the yearly program books and Spring Tea programs for many years. One was also given to Georgetta Kinyon for her leadership role in the food pantry for many years. Donna Westbrook thanked everyone who attended, and all who donated their time in making the Spring Tea a success, in particular Chairwoman Loretta. Before dismissal, she gave the answers to the trivia quizzes handed out to the guests and members as they arrived.
Mat Makers Meet
The group will meet this Saturday, the 24th, from 9-noon, at St John Lutheran church. Please join us! We appreciate all the helping hands and giving hearts.
Spring Tea Date is Set
St. John Lutheran Church will be hosting a Spring Tea on May 2, at 2:00. Stephanie and Mary Arment will be sharing photos and stories from their mother/daughter trip to Iceland a few years ago. The community is welcome to join us.
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color edition online, visit the Kensington website at
Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell)