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News for 4/26/2023

Grant Received for Pool Project

The City of Kensington has been awarded a $1000 Midwest Energy Community Fund grant for the swimming pool renovation project. The Community Fund benefits charitable, educational and nonprofit organizations in the Midwest Energy service area. Five customer committees review charitable requests and submit recommendations to Midwest Energy management for approval. Each committee allocates funds based on the number of meters in the assigned counties. The committees may direct funds to activities that focus on youth, arts, education, libraries, community events or other priorities that fall within the guidelines.

This gift of $1000 will be used to help complete the new tile and coping (edging) being installed this spring at the swimming pool.

Alumni Banquet

The invites have been mailed out! Plan to attend the Annual Alumni Banquet on Saturday, May 27; please make reservations by May 15, 2023.

Open house from 4:00-5:30pm at the High School. Social Hour starts at 5:30 with Banquet to follow at 6:30pm at the American Legion Hall on Main Street. Honor Class pictures to be taken after. RSVPs and prepayment can be sent to: Kensington Alumni PO Box 72 Kensington, KS 66951. If you have any questions please contact Nikki Blake at 785-476-5297 or

TR Schools Schedule of Events

*HS Graduation is Saturday, May 6, 2023@ 3:00pm

Thur. 27- 8:15am 5th/6th/7th to Ameritowne; 9:30am HS Achievement Ceremony; 12:15pm STUCO Fun Day; 1:30pm FFA District Banquet @ Hays

Fri. 28- Last Day for Seniors; 10:00am HS Track @ Beloit

Sat. 29- HS State solo/small ensemble contest

May 1-2: FFA State Contest @ Manhattan

Tues. 2- 3:00pm HS Track @ Logan; 7:00pm MS Spring Music Program (Pre-K, 4-8)

Wed. 3- 9:00am MS Track @ Beloit (St. John’s hosting)

Thur. 4- 8:30am MS 7th/8th Achievement Assembly; 9:30am MS 5th Grade Wax Museum; Last Day for Pre-K/8th Grade

Fri. 5- 8th grade trip to Big Apple @ Kearney; 3:00pm HS Track @ Mankato

Sat. 6- HS Graduation @ 3:00pm in HS gym

Tue. 9- 12:15pm Early Dismissal-LAST DAY of school; 1:00pm MS PTL Track @ Mankato

Thur. 11- 3:00pm HS NPL Track @ Mankato

Kensington Library

Attention families of Pre-K through 4th grade students: It is time to sign up for our Summer Reading Program! “All Together Now” is the theme for this year. Pre-K to 1st grade will meet on Tuesday mornings from 10-11am and 2nd to 4th grade will meet on Thursday mornings from 10-11am. We plan to start May 23rd and 25th, and will offer grab-n-go kits for the following week when Vacation Bible School is happening. We will offer fun and educational activities every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the month of June! We hope your kiddos will join us.

Legion Friday Night

This week at the Kensington American Legion we will have a special of French onion chicken noodle casserole, English pea salad, and orange fluff salad. Texas toast,and dessert. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen is open from 6-8pm and you can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Hope to see you Friday!

News items needed

Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at



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