News for 5/17/20221
Alumni Banquet
We hope you have made plans to attend the annual KHS and TRHS Alumni Banquet. Held at the American Legion in Kensington on Saturday, May 28th, social hour will begin at 5:30pm. You can visit the High School beforehand for an open house from 4-5:30. Honor Class pictures will be taken following the banquet to allow for everyone to be present. This year’s Host is the Class of 2002: Dan Kuhlman (President), Joe Levin (Vice Pres.), Beth Boswell (Secretary), Jennifer Bienhoff (Treasurer), Linden Ratliff (Student Council), Anthony Stokesbury (Student Council), Matthew Flint, Craig Grauerholz, Adam Hardisty, Teresa Harvey, Robin Hines, Sonya Hudson, Jake Mannion, John Mosier, Lori Ratliff, Justin Whitney. Class sponsors were Mr. Terry Nech and Mr. Bob Bearley.
Ferguson Received Governor’s Scholar Award
On Sunday, May 1, 2022, Paul James Ferguson was one of 540 students recognized as the Governor's Scholars in the state of Kansas at the 39th annual Governor’s Scholars Award Program. The Governor's Scholars program honors the top academic one percent of Kansas high school seniors. Scholars are selected from accredited public and private schools in the state. Paul had the privilege of shaking hands with Governor Laura Kelly to accept his award. Congratulations on joining this elite group of Kansans Paul. He was Valedictorian of his class and graduated from Thunder Ridge High School on Saturday, May 7. Paul is the son of Nancy and the late Steven Ferguson.

Mat Makers
The group will meet this Saturday, May 21, from 9-noon at the St John Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome to come and help.
Spring Tea
The St John Lutheran Church is hosting a Spring Tea May 22, at 1:30pm. The speaker will be a STAR presenter from the SC FCCLA. The ladies and their daughters of the community are welcome to attend.
Vacation Bible School
The Kensington community VBS will be May 31-June 3, with a program on Friday morning. All kids ages 3-6th grade are invited to attend. Time and locations: 9-11:30am with Preschool-K at 1st St. John; grades 1-3 at the United; grades 4-6 at North St. John. (Grades just finished.)
Kensington Stingray Swim Team
Looking for kiddos to join our team! We are looking to recruit eager young swimmers. Any children ages 6 and up from the surrounding area can join. There will be meets where you can compete with our swim team or even just come to practices to improve your techniques and find out what the swim team is all about. First practice starts Monday, May 23 at 11:15am. Please contact Anne Abbott 785-476-8880 if interested.
Pool Repair Project
The Kensington Pool is in disrepair and looking to make some improvements soon. We are looking to do some fundraising and donations are welcome as well. The city is applying for grants also, but every little bit helps. Please consider helping us to improve the pool for our families and our community. Please contact Anne Abbott 785-476-8880.
Summer Reading Program @ Kensington Library
Sign-up your kiddos for our summer reading program. “Oceans of Possibilities” is coming to the library this summer with a SPLASH!!!
SUMMER READING PROGRAM DATES: Begins the week of June 6th with Tuesday/Thursday sessions @ 10:00am with 2 age groups: Pre-K to 1st grade on Tuesdays, and 2nd grade and up on Thursdays.
*There will also be a special program for ALL ages to attend on Wednesday, June 8th from 1-2pm. We will be glad to see you this summer!
Sympathies and prayers to the family and friends of Robert Lee Stockton. Bob passed away on Saturday, May 7, 2022 at the age of 81. The community of Kensington will miss seeing Bob drag main in his most recent restoration, a 1927 Model T Roadster.
Weekly Inspiration
Soon you'll receive what you've been praying and hoping for. Accept where you are in this moment, fully, but acknowledge where you are going. Stay strong!
If you’re struggling, remember: new doors won't open unless you shut the old ones that aren’t leading you anywhere or causing you constant unhappiness. That's the key to receiving new opportunities!
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at