News for 5/24/23 - MATCHING FUNDS!!!!

The Kensington Home Charitable Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 spring grants. The grants go to: Commercial Club for flower planter repair, Legion Auxiliary for new fans, Thunder Ridge KAY for hygiene closet, KCS for new lights, Housing Authority for light replacements. In total $5,000 was awarded during the spring grant cycle. This wouldn't be possible without the fantastic support of our donors. Please consider making a donation during the month of May as we strive to maximize the $70,000 Patterson Family Foundation matching opportunity.

Arnold "Tarzan" and Evelyn Levin, whose families settled in the region after emigrating in the late 1880s, chose the Kensington community as the backdrop for their lives together. Originally high school sweethearts, they married in 1945. They enjoyed over 60 years together: building a family business, raising seven children, and celebrating the arrival of several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Tarz and Evelyn enjoyed traveling the world, yet their favorite place was home, with family and friends, in Kensington. The Kensington Home Foundation’s grant celebrates Tarz and Evelyn's lifelong commitment to Kensington and honors their legacy of paying it forward. This grant aims to further enrich the lives of those who call Kensington home for many years to come. The 2nd Annual Arnold and Evelyn Levin Legacy Grant was awarded to Kensington City Pool.

J.S. & Betty Wagner were Kensington residents for 62 years. J.S. was USD #238 Superintendent from 1955 to 1987. Many times J.S. was asked, “How many kids do you have?” He often responded with, “Three officially, but I also, in a round-about way, considered all of the students to be my kids as well. I wanted to make sure the students got the opportunity for a great education.” J.S. was honored to be associated with hundreds of hard working students, staff, and board members. J.S. & Betty were also quite active in a variety of community and church organizations. They very much enjoyed living in Kensington and were forever grateful for the lifelong friendships they developed there. The Kensington HOME Charitable Foundation wishes to honor the Wagner’s legacy of service to the community with this annual grant. The 1st Annual J.S. & Betty Wagner Legacy Grant was awarded to the recreation commission for new lights at the football field.
Alumni Banquet
We hope you have plans to attend the Annual Alumni Banquet on Saturday, May 27, 2023. Open house will be held from 4:00-5:30pm at the High School. Social Hour starts at 5:30 with Banquet to follow at 6:30pm at the American Legion Hall on Main Street. Honor Class pictures to be taken after the banquet. RSVPs and prepayment can be sent to: Kensington Alumni PO Box 72 Kensington, KS 66951. If you have any questions please contact Nikki Blake at 785-476-5297 or
Athol Reunion
For many years there has been an Athol High School Reunion every two years on Memorial Day Sunday. The last graduating class from Athol High School was 1955, so those graduates who are still alive are 85 or older.
A group of Athol Grade School graduates are trying to keep this biennial event happening and are reaching out to anyone with Athol ties to come greet others and share memories of the Community Hall. They are planning an Athol KS Homecoming Open House at the Community Hall on Sunday, May 28, 2023 from 2-4PM. A special time of sharing will begin at 3:00 PM. Refreshments will be served.
In 2025, the Community Hall will be 100 years old so let's keep meeting together until 2025 for sure. Please consider this your invitation to greet friends and remember good times in the hall. There is a longer story in this week’s Pioneer about the event. For questions contact Dianna Rice 785-476-8083 or Donna Johnson 785-476-2691.
Memorial Day Service Schedule
Memorial Day Services on Sunday, May 28, 2023:
Claudell Cemetery @ 9:00am; Cedar Cemetery @ 9:30am; Gaylord Cemetery @ 10:15am; Athol Lutheran Cemetery @ 10:45am; Pleasant View Cemetery (Athol) @ 11:15am; St. John Lutheran Cemetery (Kensington) @ 11:45am; Olive Branch Cemetery (Kensington) @ 1:00pm; Stone Cemetery @ 1:45pm; Germantown Cemetery @ 2:15pm.
VBS in Kensington!
The Kensington Community Vacation Bible School is next week! May 30-June 2 at 9:00am each morning. Preschool/Kindergarten at the 1st St. John Lutheran Church (must be potty-trained and have completed at least 1 yr of preschool); 1st-3rd grades at United Church; 4th-6th at the St. John Lutheran church (north). According to grades just completed.
The special program for families to attend is Friday, June 2 @ 11:00am at the United Church. Children will be transported by the Kensington Fire Department to the United Church on Friday. Please pick your children up following the program.
Kensington Library
The Kensington Community/School Library will be closed in observance of Memorial Day on Saturday, May 27 and Monday, May 29, 2023. The summer hours include: Mondays from 2-7pm, Tuesday/Thursdays from 9:00am to 2:00pm, Wednesday/Fridays from 9:00am to 3:00pm, and open Saturdays from 9:00am to 2:00pm.
Summer Reading Program has begun! For the week of May 29-June 2 we will have Take-and-Make craft bags for the kids to pick up since there is Vacation Bible School taking place. But plan to join us Tuesday, June 6 @ 10:00am for Pre-K through 1st grade ages and Thursday, June 8 @ 11:00am for 2nd through 4th grades for “All Together Now!”
At the Legion this Friday!
This week at the Kensington American Legion, we will have chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli/cauliflower salad, Texas toast, and cake. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen hours are 6-8pm. You can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Come out and let us fix supper for you and your company. Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend with family and friends.