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News for 5/26/21

Aumni Banquet The Class of 2001 is looking forward to hosting your annual Alumni Banquet this Saturday, May 29 at the Kensington American Legion. Honoring not only this years’ honor classes, but also last years’ that were missed due to COVID-19; all classes ending in 5, 0, 6 and 1. Open House at the High School from 4-5:30pm; Social Hour at the Legion Hall from 5:30-6:30pm; Honor Class Pictures following the Banquet. Donations to the Alumni Fund are greatly appreciated and can be sent to Kensington Alumni Association PO Box 72 Kensington, KS 66951.

Memorial Day Services on May 30 The American Legion Post #166 will hold the annual Memorial Day Services on Sunday, May 30, 2021. Schedule as follows: Claudel Cemetery 9:00 AM Cedar Cemetery 9:30 AM Gaylord Cemetery 10:15 AM Athol Lutheran Cemetery 10:45 AM Pleasant View Cemetery 11:15 AM St. John Lutheran Cemetery 11:45 AM Olive Branch Cemetery 1:00 PM Stone Cemetery 1:45 PM Germantown Cemetery 2:15 PM Special Program Planned for Athol Homecoming May 30 A special program is planned as part of the Athol Homecoming Celebration on Sunday May 30 from 2-4 pm at the Athol Community Hall. The program will begin at 3:00 pm and include a special talk by Mary Brien Lattin who grew up in the Highland community north of Athol. Mary maintains the “Get Athol” Facebook page and has an avid interest in the history of our county. ElDean Holthus will explain his efforts on getting the Athol Community Hall on the Kansas Historical Registry. A special memorial service will be a part of the program remembering those with Athol ties who have passed since the last get together in 2019. Refreshments will be served. Mary Lattin’s presentation will specifically tell about the history of Smith County since this is the 150th Anniversary of the county. She will tell about what the county looked like back in 1870 and share about the history of the early settlers here. A specific part of her talk will be about the German heritage folks that came from Northern German, the OstFriesland area. Many of the county’s early day settlers were from that area. The Athol Community Hall will be open from 2-4 pm for everyone interested in getting together with others who have ties to Athol. This will provide a chance to see the Community Hall for those coming back to the county. Several former graduates of Athol Grade and High School are making special plans to come back home for this weekend and are planning to attend the event. They would appreciate any locals with Athol ties to come and get reacquainted. Please consider this your invitation to attend. Mark your calendar for Sunday May 30 from 2-4 pm to reconnect with Athol friends. For any questions please contact Dianna Rice (785-695-2399) or Donna Johnson (785-476-2691). Hope to see you in Athol on Sunday, May 30. VBS In Kensington! Join us for Vacation Bible School June 1-4, “Mystery Island” Tracking down the one true God. From 9:00am-11:30am on June 1-3, according to the grade just completed: PreK-K will meet at the First St. John church, 1st-3rd at the United Church, and 4th-6th at the North St. John church. A special program to be held Friday, June 4 at the United Church at 11:00am. All the area children are welcome to attend. Kensington Library We are now on summer break hours. We will be open 2-7pm on Mondays and 9am-2pm Tuesday through Saturday. Also, our Summer Reading Programs will begin the second week of June. Come enjoy “Tails and Tales” with us! Pre-K to 1st grades will meet on Tuesdays @ 10:30am, and 2nd-5th grades on Thursdays @ 10:30am, starting June 8th/10th. Plan for 6 weeks of stories, crafts, and learning activities. The final days will be July 13 & 15. Like us on Facebook! Kensington Community/School Library or visit Weekly Inspirations Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. - Ella Fitzgerald Don't focus on regrets; find your inspiration in what you can do now. - Catherine Pulsifer The universe is always sending you inspiration, you just have to listen and allow. - Linda Armstrong News items needed Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at -- Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185



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