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News for 8/21/19 OFSN

Back to School Bash

Join us Sunday, August 25, 2019 at the Kensington American Legion from 11am-1pm. Serving Roast Pork, Party Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll & Dessert.

TR Apparel will be available to purchase at this event ONLY! *Orders must be prepaid.

Sponsored by the Thunder Ridge Steering Committee & TR Post Prom

OFSN Results

Pasture Golf was a fun new addition this year, organized by Jeff Nech.  There were 13 teams of 2 who participated. The top three winners were: 1st place Matt Teselle and Cade Rietzke, 2nd place Lyle Kuhlmann and Dylan Teselle, 3rd place Matt Sidman and Ron Enspire.

The afternoon yard games were a great success again.  We had 26 teams participate in Polish horseshoes, bags, and ladder golf.  Taylor Kuhlmann and Joe Wiehl were the overall winners taking home championships in ladder golf and bags.  Buzz Rice and Matt Teselle won the crown in Polish horseshoes. The event paid cash prizes and donated $200 to the Kensington Commercial Club.  Thanks everyone for your support of Old Fashioned Saturday Night activities.

The Car Show was another new event this year, organized by Don Dodds and Justin Bretton. We had 49 entries this year! The list is in no particular order for the winners other than Sheriff's choice, mayor's choice, and best paint. 

Tom Hardacre 1937 Ford; Justin Bassart 1946 Plymouth; Doug Dorman 1967 Chevelle; Joe Burns 1970 Chevrolet C10; Shane Christensen 1957 Cheverolet (Sheriff’s Choice); Dave Conaway 1958 Cheverolet; Roger Hagman 1977 Pontiac Trans Am (Best Paint); Kaid Dannenberg 2014 Ford Shelby 500; Irene Hilbrink 1953 Chevrolet Belair; Ijean Hilbrink 1953 Chevrolet Belair; Shawn Levin 1958 Chevrolet Belair; Steve Hilbrink 1929 Dodge; Dennis Merklein 1967 Plymouth 6TX; Kyle Calhoon 1972 Chevelle; Darin McDowell 1956 Chevrolet Belair; Colleen Caddy 1974 Chevrolet Monte Carlo; Doc Grauerholz 1957 Chevrolet; Ron Kester 1933 Buick (Mayor’s Choice); Jason Dennis 1970 Chevelle SS; Shelby Tharman 1957 Ford. 

For the Kiddie Parade we had a total of 27 entries for the cardboard car theme.  Top five winners were awarded: 1st place- Sawyer Levin (unicorn car); 2nd place- Hadley Shaffer (princess carriage); 3rd place- Dani Holling (unicorn car); 4th place- Jacob Hendryx ( captain America car); 5th place: Wagenblast kids (limousine car). 

TRHS Cheer

Sapphire Dancers

Future Sapphire Dancers

Cardboard box cars Kiddie Parade

TRMS Cheer

Color Run Fun

Fun at the Color Run!

Grauerholz Family Potluck 

The annual family potluck reunion of the late Henry and Anna Grauerholz will be held September 1st at the north St. John  Lutheran church beginning at 12:30 pm. Drinks and table service will be provided. The family of Sophia Krein will be the hosts and look forward to seeing you there.

Press Box Improvements

The football press boxes at Kensington and Agra have undergone extensive improvements this summer.  Both have gotten new exteriors and work has been done on the inside to update wiring and wall coverings.   This greatly enhances the appearance of our football facilities and provides a better work area for our volunteers who work in the press boxes during our games.  The work at Kensington was financed by the West Smith County Recreation Commission and the work at Agra was paid for by USD 110. 

Thunder Ridge Steering Committee Minutes

August 5, 2019 

Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.  

Treasurer’s Report given:  Balance of $5421.59

Old Business:  Ideas on what to spend the carnival proceeds on have been given to the committee.  Middle school has requested gift cards for the Cricut for fonts, balls and playground equipment and also a buzzer system for the quiz bowl teams.  Grade school has requested indoor recess games or shelving units for the new games. Amber made a motion to give $250 to the Middle school for use of purchasing the buzzer system and also $250 to the elementary school.  Kathy seconded, motion carried. The date for the 2020 carnival will be March 27th, 2020.  

-  Back to School Bash will be held August 25, 2019 at the Kensington Legion.  Michelle will get info to Erica to be put in the paper. Sign up sheets will be posted on FB for food items and workers.  Dan agreed to take the students to the football field to put up lights and pendants following the serving. Volleyball and Football team members will serve the meal.  Apparel designs were presented and it was decided to offer 4 designs of shirts to be sold at the BTSB only. Dan also is getting prices and designs for hats, license plates and decals from Sign Solutions.

New Business:  Dan given permission to order new pendants to be placed at the football field.  Signs that have been used at the football games are in Jeff’s garage. He will take care of getting them out and putting up at each home game.

- Thunder Ridge will host a football Jamboree scrimmage night on August 30th.  Joel Struckhoff has asked for Steering Committee to provide a meal for all the football players afterwards.  He plans on about 100 athletes and coaches. Michelle and Melissa will get the food together and will post a signup for workers to serve and cook.

- Homecoming will be on October 11, 2019, with a bonfire and games on October 10th.  Steering Committee will set up the sound system for the parade downtown.

- Parent’s Night will be October 15th for volleyball and October 25th for football.  Steering Committee will purchase flowers for these two events. Michelle will handle that also will ask to have that this event was sponsored by the Steering Committee in the programs.

Thank You note was read from Elizabeth Hardacre for sponsorship to the KVA State Volleyball game.

Submission of officer list, calendar and minutes will be made to the School Website.  The meeting dates will be 11/4, 2/3 and 4/6. The next meeting on 11/4 will be held at the North Lutheran Church.     

Meeting was adjourned.


Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit

Weekly Inspiration

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. - Karen Kaiser Clark

Remind yourself that you don't have to do what everyone else is doing. - Unknown

Being rejected from something good just means you were being pointed towards something better. - Unknown



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