News for 8/23/23
TR Schools Schedule of Events
Fri. 25- 3:15pm Fall Sports Pics (MS); 4:00pm HS VB Tri @ Natoma (Natoma, Stockton)
Mon. 28- 8am Spirit Spreader Clinic @ Salina KWU
Tue. 29- 4pm HS VB Tri @ Sylvan Grove (Sylvan-Lucas, Southern Cloud)
Wed. 30- 8am School Pics K-3, 9-12; 10am School Pics Pre-K, 4-8
Thur. 31- 4/6pm MS VB/FB @ Rock Hills; HS VB Tri @ Home (Plainville, Northern Valley)
Fri. 1- 7pm HS FB @ Alma
Mon. 4- LABOR Day- No School
Tue. 5- 4pm HS VB Tri @ Mankato (Rock Hills, Osborne)
Thur. 7- 4pm HS XC Meet @ Stockton
Fri. 8- 7pm HS FB @ Home (vs Rock Hills)
Sat. 9- HS VB Tourney @ Clyde
Grauerholz Reunion
The Henry Grauerholz reunion will be held again this year on Sunday, September 3, at 12:30p.m. at the St. John Lutheran Church parish hall.
We hope to have many join us.
Labor Day Reunion at Claudell
The St. Francis Church in Claudell will have the annual/semi- annual reunion on Labor Day. It will be Sunday, September 3, at 4:00p.m. at the church followed by a potluck at Gaylord Community Center. Fr. Daryl Olmstead has agreed to be the celebrant. Hope you can come and spread the word to former parishioners.
Kensington Library News
School is back in session for USD 110. Welcome back students and staff! Accordingly, the library hours have changed from summer to school time as follows: Mondays 8:00am-7:00pm; Tuesday through Friday 8:00am-4:00pm; Saturdays remain 9:00am-2:00pm. We have numerous new titles available for adults and youth. We are looking forward to a terrific 2023-2024 school year. Go Longhorns!
@ the Legion Friday Night!
This week at the Kensington American Legion we will have our hot beef sands as our special. It will come with a dessert. If you want, you can order half of a sandwich instead of a whole. Our kitchen is open from 6-8 and you can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Let us cook supper for you so your kitchen doesn't get so hot! Hope to see you Friday!
News items needed
If you’re not seeing what you want to see, send me YOUR NEWS. Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at